Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. This screencast was created to help my students edit a current piece of writing. We do not have classroom computers, so my students are word processing their writing in their computers class. The computer teacher can easily show the video so that the students know my expectations. The students can then watch the screencast as many times as necessary to ensure they have completed all of the steps. On another note, this assignment was rather difficult for me because my computer is too old and would not allow me to download the Jing software. I was able to download it using my husband's computer, but I am not used to using his which made this task more difficult. I also tried to video several times before I really got the hang of it. Once I was ready to capture the video, I sent my dog outside so that there was no noise from him. You will hear near the end of the video that he is scratching the door to come back in! I redid the video but that happened to be the best take so I used it. I hope the noise is not too distracting!

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